Pomodoro Clock by Bojan Cvjetković
Welcome to my Pomodoro Clock project, built as part of my Front End Development Libraries certification by FreeCodeCamp. The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time management method, and this project implements a Pomodoro Clock that helps users stay focused by dividing their work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.
Project Overview
The Pomodoro Clock is a time management tool that allows users to:
- Set custom work and break intervals.
- Start, pause, and reset the clock as needed.
- Receive a notification when the work or break time has finished.
This project showcases the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a simple yet effective time management tool. It’s designed to help users stay productive by adhering to the Pomodoro Technique, encouraging focused work followed by short, frequent breaks.
Try It Now
Click the link below to try out the live Pomodoro Clock. Set your work and break intervals, start the timer, and get notifications when it’s time to take a break.
Technologies Used
This project was built using the following technologies:
- HTML5: For creating the structure of the Pomodoro clock, including the work and break time settings.
- CSS3: To style the clock, buttons, and interface for a clean and easy-to-use design.
- JavaScript: For handling the timer functionality, managing work/break intervals, and triggering notifications.
- CodePen: Used to host the live demo and showcase the project.
Project Features
The Pomodoro Clock includes the following features:
- Customizable Intervals: Users can adjust the duration of the work and break times to suit their needs.
- Timer Functionality: The clock starts automatically and counts down the minutes for the work or break period.
- Notifications: Once the timer reaches zero, a notification alerts the user to take a break or resume work.
- Responsive Interface: The design ensures a smooth experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
About Me
I am Bojan Cvjetković, a front-end developer with a passion for creating interactive web applications. The Pomodoro Clock is part of my Front End Development Libraries certification by FreeCodeCamp. I enjoy building useful tools that help users optimize their productivity, and the Pomodoro Technique is a great example of this.
Explore more of my projects and learn about my work at Brisk Web Services. Feel free to contact me for any inquiries or collaborations.
Contact & Collaboration
If you enjoyed the Pomodoro Clock project, check out my other work and reach out for any collaborations or inquiries. You can contact me at brisk.web.belgrade@gmail.com.